What is the cause of selfishness in a human being? Also, how should I behave towards selfish colleagues?
What principle of Dhamma shall we follow to be millionaires over lives?
Who are the wise ones that we should associate with and what is the good thing of associating with the wise people?
the Lord Buddha taught us not to associate with the fools, and we should associate with only the wise ones. Who are the wise ones that we should associate with and what is the good thing of associating with the wise people?
10th V-Star Unity Day : Assembly of Virtuous Youth
This Year, 10th V-Star Unity Day: Assembly of Virtuous Youth will be organized on Saturday, 12 December 2015. There are more than 5,000 schools will come to participate in this event.
Creating Harmony in the Family
Children of broken families often display certain characte33ristics such as disobedience and negative attitudes. Obviously
V-Star Unity Day : Assembly of Virtuous Youth
Assembly of Virtuous Youth on Saturday, 13th December 2014. There were more than 5,000 schools from throughout Thailand and the world, including the Philippines, Nepal, Mongolia, Malaysia and Myanmar, participating in this event.
อาเซียน วัตถุประสงค์ของการรวมตัวกันเป็นประชาคมอาเซียน
ประชาคมอาเซียน กฎบัตรสมาคมแห่งประชาชาติเอเชียตะวันออกเฉียงใต้ เสาหลักของประชาคมอาเซียน กฎบัตรอาเซียน (ASEAN Charter) วัตถุประสงค์ของการรวมตัวกันเป็นประชาคมอาเซียน หลักปฏิบัติของอาเซียน สถานภาพของอาเซียน อัตลักษณ์และสัญลักษณ์ของอาเซียน
3rd Alms Offering // June 19, 2016 - Amsterdam, the Netherlands
We would like to rejoice in the merits with the Thai communities in the Netherlands for hosting “the 3rd Alms Offering of 19 Venerable Monks from 10 Temples” in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Since there are a lot of collisions that break our society. What can we do to give unity back to our nation?
Blessing Our Descendants
When we reach old age, blessing our descendants becomes an important duty among our many obligations